Wednesday, 8 November 2023


            When I say  “Patriarchal Indoctrination”, feminist may jump in to say; ‘we have been telling  about  Patriarchal male dominated society long before. When asked; they probably will tell you that “there is no equality (of outcome???) between men and women, the wage-gap, most of the top job posts occupied by the men, crimes against women increase daily, rape culture and their usual rhetoric’s. In response the men’s right will come up with their counter argument  saying; ‘most suicides committed by men, most who are in prisons are men, homeless people mostly are men, proliferation  of male gender biased laws, false domestic violence sexual assault, rape allegations by women, victimization of men by the society increasing and their own rhetoric’s. You can watch Manosphere advocates publications and debates in YouTube on this subject matter.

          What most of these people don’t see is; “THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM” or the  simple fact that  the women simply cannot match or generally lack the TESTOSTRONE driven raw masculine male power,  more physical strength better intelligence in men as a whole. It made the men to build the world, its factories, machineries, technologies, buildings roads, dams, almost all the construction work and more . They are the natural protectors and providers of women, children and family. Men are most importantly are the makers of war machine, soldiers, armies to fight and defend their country which also include all the internal security forces, the law enforcement police, all of them overwhelmingly consist of men from top to bottom. Most importantly, the Mass Media publications Printing houses owned, headed and run by majority men.  Above all, the law makers mostly are men and the women who become the legislators even the heads are there, only to follow the laws, which include the male gender biased legislations which are made and endorsed by the men to protect specially their women's interests in this entire Patriarchal Dominated system. 

          Owning to these facts, one cannot deny that human society is Male Dominated but I call it “IN DEEP STATE OF PATRIACHAL INDOCTRINATION, for a reason. It ranges from the old most traditional conservative at the one hand and the highly progressive, liberal and radical Left feminist at the other end but the majority remain on the middle as  moderates. THEIR COMMON CORE VALUE ARE TO PROVIDE AND PROTECT THE WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN OWNING THEM AND PUTTING THEM ON A PEDESTAL. 

          In the evolution of human species, men by their very intrinsic nature,  became the dominant protectors and providers of women and their children while women by nature became submissive child bearers, nurturing  caretakers of the family. The upper-class, strong, smart and powerful men  poached most of the beautiful, healthy attractive women leading to hypergamy.  The very first Patriarchal “Indoctrination” in human society occurred when the upper class men made their women to cover their genitals to prevent the lower class men’s gaze upon it and to treat their women as their private property. Latter it spread from top to bottom of the social strata. The upper class Alpha men, their men and children ruled the lower class men, mostly slaves or lower cast who had no such rights in society and their women and their children even lesser.

          This social arrangement continued for hundreds of thousand years until the emergence of the Bourgeoisie  liberal  democratic  Capitalist society with its Principle concept of ‘EQUALITY’ among the men and the women, later. The ordinary men and later women were given  rights to vote “Universal Suffrage” to  participate in its political system. The old feudalistic patriarchal indoctrinated values replaced by the new progressive Patriarchal Capitalist Women’s  Right, Democratic liberal rules. The progress in the field of science and technology gave women full control over their reproductive nature and the feminist movement thrived. The digital Main Stream Media identified with the emergent feminist gender equality sexual liberation agenda for its own capitalist business (vested) interest. Unfortunately, the conservative Patriarchal traditionalist Manosphere Advocates even today fail to see or understand that the technological progress stacked against them in favour of Feminism.

          However, there is absolutely no chance that the women will ever attain equality with the testosterone driven male physical strength and the Patriarchal power to match. Nevertheless, despite all their strength men have the inherent weakness for women competing for their sexual favours and consent? It strikes a natural balance of power to equality between men and women known as Nash Equilibrium in Game theory . EVEN THOUGH MEN BUILT THE WORLD, IT IS THE WOMEN WHO GAVE BIRTH TO ALL THOSE MEN WHO BUILD THE WORLD.

          The battle of sexes in the AI driven technological world today to attain dominance and to gain maximum payoffs, perhaps can be better explained under the “Game theory” under the subtitle of “Evolutionary Mating Game Theory. Made available in my blog post:

          Fuelled by the technological progress of AI revolution the gynocentric uprising will continue towards attaining the full technological driven sexual liberation of men and women empowered with virtual world sex dolls where pornification will rule as  the way of life. Nevertheless, a few decades from now the gender battles that we see today will come to an end. The human society in the future will mostly transform into the trans-human/post-human society, where the SINGULARITY will rule.

          I was able to recognise it, due to my waking up and coming out  of the dogma of my  deep state of Patriarchal indoctrination and see it HIDING IN THE PLAIN SIGHT. “Men’s Voice of Wisdom” ©vallb

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