Wednesday, 8 November 2023

PATRIARCHY VS. FEMINISM: Evolutionary Mating "Game Theory"



          1 The conflict between men and women in the human society today, can be best explained “Scientifically” by the Evolutionary Game Theory (EGT), a subset of Game Theory. The following is a Brief Version of this Evolutionary Mating Game Theory (EMGT).                                                                                                                                          Game Theory stands on the BASIC PREMISE; “Individuals in the population evolve by adopting different strategies in interacting with each other for survival and reproduction that can become prevalent in a population.”                                                               Game theory contains three main components; 1.PLAYER,  2.STRATEGY        And  the  3.PAYOFF. 

          The Mating Game Authorities are the Elite Ruling Class who carry-out the evolutionary rules of the GAME. The Individuals or the Group of “Players” have their own Strength and Weaknesses and use their STRATEGIES accordingly to maximize their PAYOFF’S and minimize its Cost.


          2(i) The Main Principle of the Game Theory is: There is No Such Moral Principles such as;  Good and Bad, Right and Wrong or Justice and Injustice Except the Game “PAYOFF’S”.  “Deception” Plays a Pivotal Role in It. Whichever “STRATEGY” That Yields Good Scores (Payoff’s) in the “Competition” will Win the GAME. The Winning Strategy will be adopted by the others thus carried forward into future generation as the “Dominant” strategy, other strategies which end up  in bad Payoff’s (Cost, Consequences) will be ELIMINATED. In one sentence, this theory is all about; “SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST”.

          Nash Equilibrium; Evolutionary Stable Strategy (ESS); Grim Trigger Strategy, Dominant Strategy; Prisoners Dilemma; are some of the most important strategies employed in this ‘Evolutionary Mating Game Theory’.


          2(ii). Violence and Peace Plays the Most Important Role in the Broader Societal Game Playing. This subject of “violence”  can be very Controversial As well as Emotional and Sensitive subject therefore it should be Told Concisely. 

          RULERS Of the STATES,  the Authorities use violence Against the Invader Strategy as their Dominant Strategy to Establish Peace and Harmony in the Society.  Grim Trigger Strategy, Nash Equilibrium and the Stable Strategies all follow from it. Evolutionary Mating Game between Men and Women Also Obey the Same Rules.


          In the Evolutionary Mating Game Competition between the sexes, nature assigned different attributes, privileged position to both, men and the women. In the evolutionary game process, it made them dependent on each other known as the “Nash Equilibrium” to ensure the future survival and propagation of their species. It gave a charming effeminate biological body for females suitable for seducing males to mate with her, including the biological design for child bearing, nurturing and taking care of the baby. On the other hand it gave a physically strong muscular testosterone filled body to men with better intelligence to PROTECT and PROVIDE especially for their women and children. On the surface this arrangement may look like; the men’s stronger physical strength and intelligence is a great advantage over the women’s weaker physical strength. However due to the Evolutionary Stable Strategy (ESS) working through the Nash Equilibrium strategies balanced both sexes fairly as Zero-Sum game. The ESS explained in the following.


          In the Evolutionary Mating Game, it does not take long time for women with their feminine charm to lure the males for mating with her. Similarly it does not take long time to men to impregnate the women, perhaps a few days, hour’s even minuets. So a man seems to have the advantage of impregnating as many women in a shortest period of time and get as many of his offspring’s (Payoff).  On the other hand it takes many months for a woman to carry on the pregnancy for a successful child birth. Therefore the mating cost seems higher to her and the payoff higher to him.   (Continued in Part-ii)       

          (Part-ii) However, due to their long pregnancy period, most females are not available to males for mating most of the times. It results in, only the Alpha males in the population will get the opportunity to mate with the available females. It leaves most Beta males without any mating opportunity. Most important of all; almost all the women are assured of getting the payoff’s (offspring’s) but NOT for most men. Therefore, males in the population should go declining.  However, the Nash Equilibrium of the evolutionary game theory brilliantly explains why and how an equal balance of both males and females are maintained due to games dynamic strategies mainly Intra-sexual vs. Inter-sexual, hawk and dove strategies. competition, cooperation, collaboration, Grim-Trigger-Strategy including the  DOMINANT Strategies. All these strategies play significant role keeping both the male and female population fit and balanced which is popularly known Evolutionary Stable Strategy (ESS). It can be perhaps compared to Law of Justice.


          Even though, the long period of pregnancy and its responsibility made a woman to have only a limited number of offspring’s (payoff) nevertheless it ensures her a good Payoff since she is absolutely sure that the baby to whom she gives birth is hers.  Therefore, she can undoubtedly invest on her child’s best survival. However, it is not the same for the man who is protecting and providing for the woman and her children. She might have “deceptively” mated and got impregnated by the other males. So the child on whom he makes all his life’s investment might not be his own. This poses a major threat for the survival of his individual gene to get into the future gene pool.  Therefore, he must adopt the “Grim Trigger Strategy” by constantly remaining vigilant to dissuade her not to secretly mate with other males and jealously guard and protect her against those marauding males to make sure she only carries his own gene, if not, she will lose her payoff in the form of his protection and material support.  Therefore providing and protecting his females and her offspring’s, guarding his territory and its resources would ensure better payoffs and became the Dominant male strategy for the survival of the species in the Evolutionary Stable Strategy of the mating game.


(PS. In the proceeding sections, I have taken the liberty in describing this theoretical subject matter mostly in a colloquial language instead of the exact Game Theory “terminologies”, mainly to make it short and easy. It contains only the main points relevant to the subject matter. Hope readers will understand it.)      

          In the hundreds and thousands of years of their evolutionary history,   human species carried forward their Evolutionary Stable Strategy (ESS) popularly known as MARRIAGE. It was a combination of “Dominant” Strategy with the “Grim Trigger strategy” that immediately brought a kind of “Nash Equilibrium” making it a kind of “Zero-Sum Game” for both. Fidelity and loyalty of woman toward her man became its most important aspect. Women’s disloyalty insubordination met with disciplinary actions. Infidelity or adultery severely punished with physical violence to the extent of killing. Today it is called as MALE DOMINATED “PATRIARCHAL” society. Religion, Culture, and the LEAGAL (Legislature) System evolved around it, as the very important part of Dominant Game Strategy throughout the human history till the modern times.


          In marriage or otherwise the husband or man had the Privileged Dominant position against his wife due to his better physical strength and intelligence to control over her. This dominant position enabled the man to discipline and punish his wife whenever she becomes disobedient to him.  Woman’s insubordination, disloyalty, deception to her man considered as the Misuse of the privileges (protection and material support) given to her by the man. Therefore, the husband is justified in severely punishing his wife as the most effective way to make her obedient and follow the rules.   Even a mere threat of severe physical punishment and withdrawal of his protection and support made the woman cringe in fear and become fully subordinate to her man and comply with all his wishes.  


          There was no special legal provision for women for the redressed of their grievances of domestic dispute violence against men like today. All of it treated under the common law. It becomes very difficult in the olden days for women to prove their domestic dispute, violence  rape issues against the men before the courts. The courts decided under its principles of “impartiality” based on the merits of evidences and the witness presented before it. Men mostly won due to “Lack of Evidences” against them. The court of justice is incapable of seeing the secret facts hidden behind the surface therefore people call; “JUSTICE IS BLIND”. Women lacked any such resources available for the modern women to seek justice under law. Therefore, remaining subservient to man’s wishes became the best strategy for women to make it a kind of  “Zero Sum” game.


          Looking back at the history of the evolutionary human society, the feminist today claim that it was and still is a Male Dominated Patriarchal Society. They say that the men in the history so far grossly misused their privileges and victimized women in the society. There is absolutely no social justice for the women. However, the historical men will defend themselves by saying; there never been any such gross injustice to women. Women in their times were treated well with respect, honour and adoration (see the religious female deities) and most importantly given privileges such as the MAN’S PROTECTION WITH MATERIAL SUPPORT TO THEM. However if the women misused their privileges, men were given right to prevent it by using whatever physical power as his “domination” strategy and other means (strategies) available at their disposal to punish and discipline the women.  Ironically, today we see the table has turned quite the opposite. Men claim to have become victims of the Male Gender Biased Laws. We may continue the extension of this debate later. 


          The coming of Industrial Revolution of the 18th century and all its proceeding Technological Revolution ushered in a PARADIGM SHIFT IN THE DYNAMICS OF THE Established Nash Equilibrium of the Evolutionary Mating Stable Strategy (ESS).  It brought in tremendous benefits to the human society, especially for women. The new science and technological inventions, tools made the human work physically less demanding therefore it became easy for women to enter into the existing labor force of manufacturing, services and mass production.  The new appliances, gadgets, household devices freed women from many of their household chores and made it possible for them to join in almost all job sectors en-masse. Women gained far more economic independence. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL; THE INVENTIONS OF BIRTH CONTROL PILLS AND OTHER SUCH DEVISES HELPED WOMEN TO FREE FROM THEIR BIOLOGICAL RISK AND COMPULSION OF PREGNANCY SO REMOVED MOST OF THEIR SEXUAL CONSTRAINTS AND INHIBITIONS. IT DISRUPTED THE ENTIRE “NASH EQUILIBRIUM” OF “EVOLUTIONARY STABLE STRATEGY”  IN THE FUTURE MATING GAME DYNAMICS FOREVER. 

11 INVASION OF WOMEN’S  RIGHT MOVEMENT                                                        DOWNFALL OF OLD PATRIARCHY

          The ongoing Capitalist Reforms with its focus on women’s education and later the Universal Suffrage enabled women and their promoters to express their “Gynocentric” views openly challenging the established Nash Equilibrium of the old Patriarchal system, demanding equal rights for women. It was the emergence of a Invading Gynocentric Strategy against the old Patriarchal ESS to gain political power, popularly known as the “Women’s Equal Right or “Feminist” movement today.  This New Invading strategy threatened to overthrow the old patriarchal Nash Equilibrium disrupting the established Evolutionary Stable Strategy.


          At first, the Old Patriarchal capitalist ruling elite felt threatened by the emerging Gynocentric women’s entry, invading into their male Patriarchal domain. However they soon realized they can greatly gain by the Collaboration game strategy. The Elite ruling class desperately needed cooperation from the feminist Gynocentric lobby to get the women’s vote bank to broaden their political base to strengthen their ruling power control.  They agreed to COEXIST by Compromise and Cooperation by giving in many of the feminist anti-male demands. New “gender” laws sanctioned in the male dominated parliament and adopted by the male dominated justice system and enforced by the male dominated law enforcement system giving enormous power to women at the expense of men’s right. The Neo-Patriarchal Gynocentric but Male Dominated Elite ruling class in collaborations with the Women’s Right movement adopted the new feminist GYNOCENTRIC policy doctrine for establishing a new Evolutionary Stable Strategy in the Evolutionary Mating Game.




          Even though the society appeared to have become very gynocentric, it basically remained male dominated, ruled by the Neo-Patriarchal morals at its core, made possible by the collaborative, cooperative game Strategy adopted by the Neo-Patriarchy in their Competition with the gynocentric feminist which earned rich Payoff’s for the ruling elites class as a whole and ensured that the rich always remain in power with their affluence in abundance. However they did not want to share most of their class privileges with the entire population to keep the majority population under their control. To distract the population from seeing the reality of the social inequality, they adopted Orwellian slogan that said; “ALL ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS”. They said women are more trustworthy than men therefore women should be believed and given special privileges over the men and encouraged to use it whenever possible. It created a kind of Orwellian dystopian totalitarian society. “Political Correctness”; “Doublespeak”; Propaganda; Surveillance; Censorship; Punishment and Torture are some of its main characteristics.


          Let me deviate slightly from the principles of Game Theory to see the reality through the lance of “Social Justice”. It is generally agreed that women are physically weaker than men. (Despite the feminist claim that women are equally capable of performing all the tasks that men do.)  Men have better physical strength and intelligence as their male evolutionary privilege. Therefore, when a woman competes with a man it is generally easy for the man to overpower the woman by his physical strength, resorting to physical domestic violence, rape even killing.  Therefore, under the justice point of view, women essentially need lawful protection from the male aggression especially in their marriage partnership and other live in intimate relation. Only strong legislations in favour of women to counter balance the male gender privilege can prevent this historical male injustice (aggression) in their conflict. It will establish a new Nash Equilibrium (equity) into their gender Competition and it all sounds logical under the Social Justice theory.


          However the problem in this “Social Justice” logic comes to the forefront  when it is pointed out that women are using this new ‘Gender Law’ privileges deviously or deceptively  (misusing, false accusations, court cases) and making enormous gains at the expense of heavy damage and cost to the men’s life. Men called it “male gender biased laws” and started their protest. Several Men’s Right groups as counter strategies emerged; names like MRA, Fathers Right, MGTOW, INCEL, CHAD and many more.


          Let us bring a counter argument to the Men's Right Movement (MRM) from an Independent Game Observer, who may comment as the following:  “Men have grossly misused their male privilege such as physical strength and economic power since millennium which still continues today. Men also use their privileges of physical strength, economic power deceptively whenever they can to win the court cases. Men commit all sorts of “Crime Against Women”, including  Domestic Violence,  rape and murder and deny doing it when caught, pretend innocence to get away with it.  Therefore, there is nothing wrong in women using their law privileges deceptively to their own advantage to win and get away with it.  Men are now calling it “grapes are sour”. The question for men in this contest is; can they claim that they honestly don’t misuse the laws deceptively as the women do for their own advantage to win? If they say no, then they should learn it from the modern women; “getting successful while remaining safe is the secret of wining”. Good and Bad, Right and Wrong or the “JUSTICE” is mainly decided by the GAME’S “Payoff”.





          (a) In this newly emerging mating game scenario, all players lived in a kind of prison arrangement under the Elite Ruling Class Prison Authorities, who had their unique Prisoners Identification System to manage and control the Prison inmates. There were three main categories of identification.  1. White Pill  2. Blue Pill 3. Red Pill.   The ruling prison administration received the White pill, which provided them with all social immunities, affluence, luxuries in abundance, to enjoy into perpetuity.  The rest of the prisoners given two choices either to accept the blue pill of Gynocentric doctrine  or chose the Red Pill that opposed the Gynocentric doctrine; perhaps like seen in the “Matrix” movie. 

          The majority prisoners chose the blue pill by agreeing to follows the Gynocentric doctrine. It gave them good social security with its many material benefits and let them live in relative freedom. However, in exchange they had to sacrifice their wisdom of seeing their world reality in all its colours except in Blue and Red. 

          (b) However, a minority of the prisoners who declined to follow the Gynocentric doctrine chose the Red Pill option. They called themselves as “Men’s Right” or “Manosphere” as they don’t want to sacrifice their WISDOM of seeing the realities of their present Gynocentric world in which the authorities lived in affluence and abundance and exercised tight control over the entire population. In exchange for this Red Pill “wisdom” they had to agree to sacrifice most of the Blue Pill world’s social security and benefits and agree to remain inside a stronger prison confinement.           

          The women in the Gynocentric Blue Pill world have been considered more trustworthy by the prison authorities and were appointed as Red Pill prison guards to control the Red Pill male prisoners. Most of these women developed a taste to torment the men whenever they get the opportunity.  The Red pill male prisoners, who were physically stronger than their women prison guards, strictly forbidden to disobey and overpower the female guards to escape from the prison. Any male prisoners who broke this prison rules been caught and severely punished by the prison authority assisted by their modern prisoner’s identification facilities. The escapees who have been caught were put in the most dreadful maximum security solitary confinement and tortured.        

          (c) However the Red Pill prisoners who still carried their male privilege of physical strength and wisdom were able to easily overpower the women prison guards and escape. Therefore, a third sub-game option was given to the prisoners, deliberately designed to deter any such jail break attempt. Many times the women prison guard enticed the male prisoners into the trap of getting over-powered thereby to escape. However the prison Authorities identification system could easily detect and caught the escaped prisoners almost all times and sent them back to face the most horrible punishment, making them the “Scapegoat’s”. The  punishment so cruel, to make it as an example to all the rest of the prisoners to teach them a lesson and convince them that it is impossible to escape from the security system undetected.  Therefore, it is not worth to try to escape since the “cost” (lose) will be multiple times bigger than any of its payoff’s. It made everyone to believe that there is no safe and successful “invading” strategy to escape from this gynocentric prison except to demand the authorities to bring in some important prison reforms, in the form of GENDER NEUTRAL LAWS.


          In their quest to find a safe and successful strategy for the Red Pill prisoners escape, one of them realized that the main reason that prevented the prisoners from finding a safe and successful prison escape, remains in their own Neo-patriarchal sub-conscious indoctrination saying; “Protect women and their ASSETS including children”, which they unknowingly carried with them.  Getting rid of these moral values will enable the men to see that they all are living inside an Evolutionary Game Program. It is possible to invade its prisoner’s identification surveillance system by inserting a new code in it. This new Invader strategy will turn their Red pill identity into the White pill so will give them all the White Pill immunities to enjoy. This Novel Way of the Invader strategy can Break-up the entire gynocentric ESS power dynamics. The women prison guards who used to seeing the Red pill prisoners will become completely blind to see the escaping red pill prisoner in their new white pill identification due to the blue pill program instilled into the guards. The entire responsibility of the prisoners escape will squarely fall on the Woman guard. She had to pay its heavy cost and immediately lose her job with heavy penalty.


          In the following paper, I will try to show the Red Pill “Invader” strategy example of the Game Theory written in a fantasy fictional story form, titled as; “Novel Way” told by a Protogonist-1(P1) to Protogonist-2(P2). It is only for the entertainment purpose, the “prison escape” may not be as safe and successful as it seems in the story. Every situation is different; the DEVIL IS IN ITS DETAILS”.  Readers are advised not to try it in their reality.

                                                                       Subject to Revision.

©Valerian Texeira - @vallb.

Anyone is free to use this article by referring to its original Copyright author. 

Why Human Societies Male Dominated



1                When I say “Patriarchal Indoctrination”, feminist may immediately jump in, telling that; “they have been saying this since a long time.” However, When asked to explain it, they will tell;  “ there is no equality between men and women, the wage-gap, most top posts occupied by the men, violence crime against women, rape culture and the usual rhetoric’s. In response the men’s right will come up with their counter argument saying; ‘most suicides committed by men, most who are in prisons are men, homeless, mostly are men then go on explaining the male gender biased laws, false allegations, victimization of men with their own rhetoric’s. You can see it in the manosphere advocates publications and debates in YouTube on this subject matter.


2.       What these people don’t see is; “THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM”. The simple fact that  the women in general simply cannot match men or generally lack the TESTOSTRONE driven raw masculine male power, the physical and mental strength of men as a whole. It made the men to build the world, its factories, machineries, technologies, buildings roads, dams, almost all the construction work and more . They are the natural protectors and providers of women, children and family. Men are most importantly are the makers of war machine, soldiers, armies to fight and defend their country which also include all the internal security forces, the law enforcement police, all of them overwhelmingly consist of men from top to bottom. Most importantly, the Mass Media publications Printing houses owned, headed and run by majority men.  Above all, the law makers are mostly men and the women who become the legislators even the heads are only to follow the laws, which include the male gender biased legislations  made and endorsed by the men to protect specially their women's interests in this entire Patriarchal Dominated system.


3.       Owning to these facts, one cannot deny that human society is Male Dominated but I call it “IN DEEP STATE OF PATRIACHAL INDOCTRINATION, for a reason. It ranges from the old most traditional conservative at the one hand and the highly progressive, liberal and radical Left feminist at the other end but the majority remain on the middle as  moderates. THEIR COMMON CORE VALUE ARE TO PROVIDE AND PROTECT THE WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN OWNING THEM AND PUTTING THEM IN A  PEDESTAL.  


4.       In the evolution of human species, by their very intrinsic nature, men became the dominant protectors and providers of women and their children while women by nature became submissive child bearers, nurturing caretakers of the family. The upper-class, strong, smart and powerful men  poached most of the beautiful, attractive smart women leading to hypergamy.  The very first Patriarchal “Indoctrination” in human society occurred when the upper class men made their women to cover their genitals to prevent the lower class men’s gaze upon it and to treat their women as their private property. Latter it spread from top to bottom of the social strata. The upper class, smart and powerful  men, women and their children ruled over the lower class men, mostly slaves or lower cast who had no such rights in society and their women and their children even lesser..


5.       This social arrangement continued for hundreds of thousand years until the emergence of the Bourgeoisie  liberal  democratic  Capitalist society with its Principle concept of ‘EQUALITY’ among the men and the women, later. The ordinary men and later women were given  rights to vote “Universal Suffrage” to  participate in its political system. The old feudalistic patriarchal indoctrinated values replaced by the new progressive Patriarchal Capitalist Women’s  Right, Democratic liberal rules. The progress in the field of science and technology gave women full control over their reproductive nature and the feminist movement thrived. The digital Main Stream Media identified with the emergent feminist gender equality sexual liberation agenda for its own capitalist business (vested)interest. Unfortunately, the conservative Patriarchal traditionalist Manosphere Advocates even today blind to see or understand that the technological progress stacked against them in favor of Feminism.


6.       However, there is absolutely no chance that the women will ever attain equality with the testosterone driven male physical strength and the Patriarchal power to match. Nevertheless, despite all their strength men have the inherent weakness for women which strikes  a natural balance of power or equality between men and women. EVEN THOUGH MEN BUILT THE WORLD, IT IS THE WOMEN WHO GAVE BIRTH TO ALL THOSE MEN WHO BUILD THE WORLD.


7.       The basic men-women social arrangement existed throughout the human history in the past, runs at the present and will continue in the future. No one can change its fundamentals so far as men and women exist. They  can only rearrange the colors its spectrum and the shades. The gender uprising will continue towards attaining the full technological driven sexual liberation of men and women empowered with virtual world sex dolls where pornographization's or pornification will rule as  the way of life. Nevertheless, a few decades from now the gender battles that we see today will come to an end. The human society in the future will mostly transform into the trans-human/post-human society, where the SINGULARITY will rule.


8.       I was able to recognize it, due to my waking up and coming out  of the slavery of my  deep state of Patriarchal indoctrination and see it HIDING IN THE PLAIN SIGHT. “Men’s Voice of Wisdom”


Published as comment in YouTube and Twitter around in the month of December 2023

(Published in the<> ) on 15-01-2025 


            When I say  “Patriarchal Indoctrination”, feminist may jump in to say; ‘we have been telling  about  Patriarchal male dominated society long before. When asked; they probably will tell you that “there is no equality (of outcome???) between men and women, the wage-gap, most of the top job posts occupied by the men, crimes against women increase daily, rape culture and their usual rhetoric’s. In response the men’s right will come up with their counter argument  saying; ‘most suicides committed by men, most who are in prisons are men, homeless people mostly are men, proliferation  of male gender biased laws, false domestic violence sexual assault, rape allegations by women, victimization of men by the society increasing and their own rhetoric’s. You can watch Manosphere advocates publications and debates in YouTube on this subject matter.

          What most of these people don’t see is; “THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM” or the  simple fact that  the women simply cannot match or generally lack the TESTOSTRONE driven raw masculine male power,  more physical strength better intelligence in men as a whole. It made the men to build the world, its factories, machineries, technologies, buildings roads, dams, almost all the construction work and more . They are the natural protectors and providers of women, children and family. Men are most importantly are the makers of war machine, soldiers, armies to fight and defend their country which also include all the internal security forces, the law enforcement police, all of them overwhelmingly consist of men from top to bottom. Most importantly, the Mass Media publications Printing houses owned, headed and run by majority men.  Above all, the law makers mostly are men and the women who become the legislators even the heads are there, only to follow the laws, which include the male gender biased legislations which are made and endorsed by the men to protect specially their women's interests in this entire Patriarchal Dominated system. 

          Owning to these facts, one cannot deny that human society is Male Dominated but I call it “IN DEEP STATE OF PATRIACHAL INDOCTRINATION, for a reason. It ranges from the old most traditional conservative at the one hand and the highly progressive, liberal and radical Left feminist at the other end but the majority remain on the middle as  moderates. THEIR COMMON CORE VALUE ARE TO PROVIDE AND PROTECT THE WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN OWNING THEM AND PUTTING THEM ON A PEDESTAL. 

          In the evolution of human species, men by their very intrinsic nature,  became the dominant protectors and providers of women and their children while women by nature became submissive child bearers, nurturing  caretakers of the family. The upper-class, strong, smart and powerful men  poached most of the beautiful, healthy attractive women leading to hypergamy.  The very first Patriarchal “Indoctrination” in human society occurred when the upper class men made their women to cover their genitals to prevent the lower class men’s gaze upon it and to treat their women as their private property. Latter it spread from top to bottom of the social strata. The upper class Alpha men, their men and children ruled the lower class men, mostly slaves or lower cast who had no such rights in society and their women and their children even lesser.

          This social arrangement continued for hundreds of thousand years until the emergence of the Bourgeoisie  liberal  democratic  Capitalist society with its Principle concept of ‘EQUALITY’ among the men and the women, later. The ordinary men and later women were given  rights to vote “Universal Suffrage” to  participate in its political system. The old feudalistic patriarchal indoctrinated values replaced by the new progressive Patriarchal Capitalist Women’s  Right, Democratic liberal rules. The progress in the field of science and technology gave women full control over their reproductive nature and the feminist movement thrived. The digital Main Stream Media identified with the emergent feminist gender equality sexual liberation agenda for its own capitalist business (vested) interest. Unfortunately, the conservative Patriarchal traditionalist Manosphere Advocates even today fail to see or understand that the technological progress stacked against them in favour of Feminism.

          However, there is absolutely no chance that the women will ever attain equality with the testosterone driven male physical strength and the Patriarchal power to match. Nevertheless, despite all their strength men have the inherent weakness for women competing for their sexual favours and consent? It strikes a natural balance of power to equality between men and women known as Nash Equilibrium in Game theory . EVEN THOUGH MEN BUILT THE WORLD, IT IS THE WOMEN WHO GAVE BIRTH TO ALL THOSE MEN WHO BUILD THE WORLD.

          The battle of sexes in the AI driven technological world today to attain dominance and to gain maximum payoffs, perhaps can be better explained under the “Game theory” under the subtitle of “Evolutionary Mating Game Theory. Made available in my blog post:

          Fuelled by the technological progress of AI revolution the gynocentric uprising will continue towards attaining the full technological driven sexual liberation of men and women empowered with virtual world sex dolls where pornification will rule as  the way of life. Nevertheless, a few decades from now the gender battles that we see today will come to an end. The human society in the future will mostly transform into the trans-human/post-human society, where the SINGULARITY will rule.

          I was able to recognise it, due to my waking up and coming out  of the dogma of my  deep state of Patriarchal indoctrination and see it HIDING IN THE PLAIN SIGHT. “Men’s Voice of Wisdom” ©vallb

Saturday, 22 July 2023



BASIC SOURCE OF FUND for Universal Basic Income (UBI)

(Most important Notification of Zero Work Theory At the present time.)

I am the author of the presently known with its short title: “Zero Work Theory”(ZWT). Originally titled: An Alternative to “Marxian Scientific Socialism: REDUCTION IN WORKING HOURS THEORY. A Demand for 6 Hours Working Hours”. Book published in 1981.I am also a proponent of UBI (Universal Basic Income) today as the Solution.


Here, the main question is; what will be the basic source of income to fund UBI. My basic answer is; ALL PRODUCERS OF COMMODITY VALUES I.E. GOODS AND SERVICES, SHOULD PAY AN UBI TAX EQUAL TO THE COST OF THEIR PRODUCTS. In simple terms, if the product cost $100 they have to pay its equal #100  UBI tax, that will make the producers to sell their commodities  #200(total cost)+ their profit margins(say$30) which could be any amount depending on its demand and supply.


Many will argue against saying it will suddenly increase the prices of commodity more than double than their current prices. I agree it will happen so, as its immediate effect. However, if you see deeper and add the present technological progress or Agentic AI into this equation, competition will change it all. And the price of the commodities starts falling soon.


Take the above example. The products price will be: actual cost + equal UBI Tax+ profit margin therefore, 100+100+30=$230. In the market coemption whoever able to reduce their production cost (using advanced technology) will be also able to reduce the UBI Tax that will reduce the commodity price and  therefore sell more products in competition. For example, if a manufacturer able to use a modern technology to reduce the cost of his product down to 90, the UBI tax also down to 90. Now he will be able to sell his item at #210 or $220 but still able to make more profit so put his competitor out of business. Therefore, others will follow suit, using the same technique resulting in a cycle of competition and the price of the commodities start falling ultimately ending up reducing the price to the lowest. I Hope my readers will understand, under the present accelerating technological advancement an equal amount of UBI Tax of the cost of the product will end up in a rapid reduction of commodity prices leading to a propound change in Human (trans human/ post human) society .  I am not going to expand it any further for many of my own reasons, except there is a saying in Hindi   'समझदार को इशारा ही काफी है' “A hint is enough for those (wise) who understand it”. 


Copyright Valerian Texeira. (24-01-2025) Anyone free to use this above material, except for commercial use which needs written permission. (Subject to revision addition, omission, and refinement).



The Progress in the exponential  AI technology today, will going to bring a revolutionary social change, unprecedented in human history. This long-awaited radical social transformation, which Karl Marx (1818-1881) and his socialist/communist followers have predicted may be finally  on the horizon.  However, unfortunately for them, it will not happen in the way they envisioned.

Marx forecasted that the advancement of productive forces, particularly through industrialization, would lead to a massive increase in the working class population. However, the reality that we see today seems to be heading in the opposite direction.  Instead the working class increasing in numbers, which Marx believed would serve as the vanguard of  his  socialist revolution, gradually shrinking and may eventually completely  disappear soon in the future.

 The  rapid deployment of exponential AI technology at present employed across every social production sector, rendering the human labour  redundant or obsolete in a decades or two, perhaps sooner. This transformation will have a profound impact on society, requiring us to start contemplating how we will adapt to this new reality.

 In my youth  I was a Marxist labour activist and still remain great admirer of Karl Marx.  However when I studied more about the Marxian working class “labour” theory, I began to diverge from its socialist ideology. This led to the publication of my book titled; titled; "AN ALTERNATIVE TO MARXIAN SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISM; REDUCTION IN WORKING HOUR THEORY", in the year 1981. The basic premise of the theory is; “Human labour RELATION (compulsion) in order to obtain their means of subsistence is the root-cause of labour exploitation. This exploitation in turn  gives rise to inequality, injustice, corruption and most of the social ills. Therefore, along with the progress of the productive forces (science and technology) the working hours needs to be  gradually reduced to  zero to form a new Zero Work egalitarian society" I now refer it as "Zero Work Society(ZWT) or Zero Work Theory".

 This theory stands in contrast to the Marxist theory of class exploitation and the class struggle which asserts that ruling classes have historically exploited the labouring class, from slavery to feudalism which continues today under the capitalism. Marxism claims that the private ownership of the means of production is the root cause of labour exploitation. Therefore, it advocates for the working class should unite to rise against the capitalist class and finally overthrow the capitalist system through a forceful (violent) revolution. The goal is to abolish private ownership of the means of production and establish a socialist or communist state system under the dictatorship of the proletariat, where labour exploitation on the working class would cease to exist.

 The fundamental difference between ZWT and Marxian socialism lies in their distinct understandings  of labour exploitation. According to Marxian socialist theory, the labour exploitation on workers in essence is that, the capitalist exploits workers “labour power” for the extraction of “Surplus Value” (profit) that in general supposed to be 100%,  identified as the rate (percentage) of labour exploitation  on the workers, which Marx calls as the “relative labour exploitation. However, being a worker,  I  realized that this Marxian  concept of relative labour exploitation raises so many fundamental questions to which it has no answers.

 For instance, consider two workers—one working 10 hours a day and the other working 8 hours a day.  If we measure the rate of relative labour exploitation (surplus labour) on these workers as 100%, that leads to the conclusion that they are equally exploited. However, this sweeping notion of Marxian relative labour exploitation, overlooks or fails to see some of the most  important aspects involved in the  labour exploitation such as the length of working hours also the compensation in return and other relevant factors of labour exploitation that the workers experience in their daily life.

 Let us take another scenario where one worker faces 100%  relative labour exploitation (surplus value) but is underpaid, while the second worker is highly paid but subjected to as much as 200 to 300% in terms of relative labour exploitation, resulting in his employer earning 2 to 3 times  the surplus value or the profit, to put it simply.  In these two individual cases the kind of labour exploitation that they experience is categorically different which the Marxian labour theory  fails to recognize . What about a self-employed who works 12 hours a day to get meagre income,  how does the Marxian relative labour exploitation theory apply in his case. What about the unemployed  who suffer immensely without any wage income, Does he  undergo any particular kind of labour exploitation, what kind, if any? Marxian relative labour exploitation theory totally fails to answer any of these questions comprehensively. This the situation in ground that millions of workers like me undergo daily in their life. This lack in the understanding of labour exploitation on the workers leads to the dismal failure of the Marxian economic state systems, which we witnessing in today socialist systems of the communist states.

 In contrast to the Marxian labour exploitation theory, the ZWT contends that there are mainly 4 kinds of labour exploitations on the labouring classes throughout the human history;

1. Subsistence Sustenance exploitation (measures of low income or poverty).

2. “Relative” labour exploitation (capitalist marginal profit, Marxian concept)

3. “Productive” labour exploitation (capitalist high profit margins, Marxian terminology)

4. Absolute labour exploitation (measured by the length of working hours).

According to the ZWT; Marxian socialist or communist systems similar to the capitalist system could never do away any of these labour exploitations on the workers as long as the human labour remains necessary for social production. Only the total elimination of the human wage labour in the social production (which is made possible by the AI technological progress today) can end the labour exploitation and all the inequalities injustice and the evils which results from it. ZWT believes that the Universal Basic Income (UBI) is the first step in achieving the goals of Zero Work Society.

 Another major difference between the Marxian Socialism and the ZWT lies in their historical perspective known as “historical materialism”. Marxism views  human history as the history of class struggle between the labour exploiting class and the labour exploited class, owning  to their opposite class interest. These  conflicting class interest eventually boils down into complete overthrow of the existing social system and establishing a new social order. It happened in the slave system, feudal system all of which gave way to the capitalist system. Marxism strongly believes that the continued class struggle between the working class and the Capitalist class eventually will end up in violent overthrow of capitalist system and establishing a more equitable human society sooner or later, where the labour exploitation on workers will be eliminated.

 In contrast to Marxian ‘historical materialism’ the  Zero Work Theory categorises human history according to the progress of science and technology in different stages of human  history. The first stage commenced  with the early humans started using rudimentary tools as a substitute to their body parts  specially their limbs to help them in their day to day labour to fulfil their basic need for survival. The primitive tools slowly  progressed into  more sophisticated tools as the replacement or assistance in their day to day labour work. The invention of wheels is most important among them. This primary stage of technological development, increasing the productivity of labor many folds,  continued for  hundreds and thousands of years become far more advanced throughout the middle ages.

 The second stage emerged at around the 18th century with the advent of steam engines that further evolved into internal combustion engines run by the fossil fuels, progressed into electric motors merging with the machine tools popularly known as the Industrial Revolution. It significantly reduced the reliance on the human and animal hard physical labour with unimaginable magnitude of strength and power, unparalleled in human history. These machine tool able to do heavy lifting hard labour tirelessly equal to thousands of horsepower’s, nevertheless, it always needed the humans intelligent brain or the cognitive power to guide them to perform  the given task.

 The third and final stage or human labour replacement is the social production began with the advent of Semiconductors or the microchip digital revolution. The Exponential growth of the microprocessors started the era known as the Artificial Intelligence (AI).  As we entered the 21st century the AI robotics  automation started rapidly replacing humans (biological) intelligence with its human brain like neurological machine deep learning, Generative, Transformer, Liquid neural algorithms. AI technology is getting far more superior to the humans biological brain in the performance of all human work.

 While Karl Marx was undoubtedly a visionary thinker of his time, the limitations of the technological advancement during the era he lived in, specifically when he wrote the Communist Manifesto, in 1848, prevented him from foreseeing the accelerating industrial progress opening up a new exponential technological paradigm of cybernetic revolution. The industrial revolution of his time did not allow him to anticipate that the technological progress in the coming future would render the labour power of his cherished working class redundant within a couple of centuries.

 The ZWT owns its existence to the unique historical times that it (I) was living in. The time was  the latter part of 20th century when the world was witnessing  unprecedented progress in the field of science and technology on the one hand and the colossal failures in the communist states on the other hand while the capitalist states going still strong. The news of robots in the workplace and promise of abundance of energy in the form nuclear fusion (cold fusion!!!)  everywhere in the science and technological media that I was reading. It gave me the new historical perspective with glimpse of the coming future that the advancement of technological front combined with the energy would render the human labour eventually redundant or obsolete in the social production. However I did not expect to see it in my life time.

 What intrigues me even today; despite witnessing the exponential AI technological progress that evidently removes the need of human wage labour in the social production, both the capitalist and communist ideologues  still arguing human wage labour is important as it was before in social production to maintain the social health and wellbeing of the masses. While the ZWT sees the wage labour  is drudgery a form of human slavery which needs to be eliminated with the introduction of Universal Basic Income (UBI)as soon as possible with the help of AI Technology.

 In conclusion, while Karl Marx's ideas were ground-breaking for his time and I still believe that the Marxian theoretical framework of understanding capitalism is still relevant today. However the limitations of the historical technological developmental stage in which he was living prevented him from envisioning the full scope of technological progress of the future that we are witnessing today. In the contemporary world, the Zero Work Society propelled by the Universal Basic Income (UBI) that will liberated the masses from their daily wage slavery to become free, and establish a democratic, equitable, egalitarian society IN WHICH HUMAN CREATIVITY AND COMPASSION IS NOT CONSTRAINED BY ITS ECONOMIC INCENTIVES as a promising alternative to the human labour compelled, capitalist, socialist or communist states.

(Subject to further revision)

Valerian Texeira. India, Karnataka, Mangalore.