Theoretical Rough Draft Part - I
Pedophilia and incest are mostly seen as complicit and are universally condemned as reprehensible human sexual behaviours especially in the western world today. However, historically, these two practices have played the most crucial or indispensable role as most important in the evolution and survival of human race throughout their past history. However in our present day MSM and social media reports, discussions and particularly in the academic literatures and the paper publications a fragrant disregard or lack or absence of reliable, objective, scientific studies on this topic specially on the pubescent age sexual attractions, desires and relations remains as a significant obstacle, particularly in the Western world. Therefore, in this present study I would like to mainly focus on this particular human age related adolescent sexual behaviours and practice branded as “pedophilia” in west, pertaining to the human sexual attraction and desires towards pubescent sexuality and practices particularly relating to the prepubescent girls.
The heavy stigma attached to so called
“pedophilia” sex in modern societies has
led to research on the subject, being tainted by biased moral
judgment, rendering many of these academic
studies pseudoscientific. Consequently,
the only viable approach for an unbiased study of these phenomena is to apply Darwinian
principles of evolution alongside contemporary game theory. By using
these two frameworks combined with the historical records, we can
attempt to impartially understand how such behaviours might have
contributed to human survival and social development. This method allows
us to bypass the moral overlays of modern Western thought, which often
label pedophilia not just as a crime but as psychological disorder, deviance
paraphilia, perversions etc., thereby creating a skewed perspective on this
human sexual behavior. This prejudiced pedophilia research and
classification has significantly shaped contemporary medical and legal
frameworks, which criminalize pedophilia based on what can be argued as
flawed moral, medical, and legal standards deeply rooted in Western
The modern Western medical
and legal frameworks that criminalize ‘pedophilia’ are largely built on what can be argued as fraudulent moral,
medical, legal standards that are deeply rooted in the modern Western
worldview. These corrupt academical standards, exemplified by the International
Classification of Diseases (ICD) and the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), have been highly influential in shaping
global health doctrines throughout the 20th century. Their frameworks until the first of 20th century used
to pathologize behaviours like adultery, prostitution, and homosexuality,
including incest even the masturbation, by broadly labelling them
as mental disorders, sexual deviations, perversions, paraphilia’s
and dysfunctions. Such moral and academical judgments were common
throughout human history, criminalizing a range of human
sexual behaviours under the pretext of mental health and societal
It was during the second
half of the 20th century academical institutions began to
decriminalize and destigmatize practices like adultery, prostitution, incest,
homosexuality, masturbation etc., recognizing these as matters of personal choice rather than moral or
mental failings. However, in an ironic twist, they
increasingly focused on the prosecution of pubescent age sexual behaviours as
pedophilia or paraphilia’s,
rigorously criminalizing it with the same flowed subjective moral,
psychological and medical rhetoric used to broadly condemn, adultery, prostitution,
homosexuality, incest and masturbation etc., now turned it on, what was previously accepted adolescent age sexual desires, attractions
and relations that were sanctioned as morally good and beneficial to the
society. Terms like sexual deviations, perversions, moral
degradation, and family dysfunction now repurposed criminalize to
enforce these modern prohibitions. This shift in moral standards reveals a hypocritical
stance in behaviours once
criminalized were gradually normalized, while newly coined terms,
like pedophilia, became the focal points of extreme condemnation of adult with adolescent love relations as pedophilia under similar medical and moral frameworks.
Allow me to delve briefly
into a noteworthy historical context, providing essential background
before proceeding further with my discussion. Throughout history, almost all
societies normalized marriage around the age of puberty, often
between 10 to 13 for girls. In ancient Rome and Greece, girls
married shortly after puberty, with examples like Julia the Elder in
Rome and Spartan practices. Medieval Europe saw child marriages among
nobility, such as Margaret Beaufort in England (1455) married at 12 and gave
birth at the age of 13 to King Henry VII , while the Church set
marriage ages at 12 for girls and 14 for boys. In Islamic societies,
early marriages were common, exemplified by Aisha’s marriage to Muhammad,
and the Ottoman Empire used child marriages for political alliances. Hindu
and South Asian traditions promoted child marriage to ensure purity and
familial ties, while imperial China and feudal Japan married girls
in their early teens for familial and social stability. Native American
tribes and African societies also practiced early marriage as part
of cultural rites. In Renaissance Europe and colonial America,
girls often married in their mid-teens, reflecting societal norms. These
practices, rooted in cultural, economic, and social contexts, contrast
sharply with modern understandings of child rights and development,
which universally condemn such practices today.
It is essential to recognize that, contrary
to the current Western moral views on pedophilia historical records
shows that our forebears, until very recently, not only accepted but actively
practiced pubescent sexual relations, what we now label as pedophilia.
Child marriages were widespread, seen as good and beneficial for the
individual and the broader community. These unions were often justified on as occurring
at ideal age when prepubescent girls entering sexual maturity,
marked by gonadarche, the onset of hormonal changes the biological
transition leading to sexual maturation. This practice was believed to
protect young girls from the risks associated with their burgeoning sexual
attraction, desires, potentially leading to behaviors that could cross
legal and social boundaries, thus endangering their future and societal
traditional belief was that early marriage safeguarded a girl's social,
moral, and familial integrity. It was thought that marrying young
would deter girls from engaging in inappropriate behavior driven by
natural adolescent curiosity and perceived heightened sexual attractions
and desires, which might otherwise lead them to seek illicit
relationships outside marriage. By transferring responsibility from parents
to husbands, early marriage ensured a girl's safety and honor.
This historical context challenges the modern Western perspective, suggesting
that the stigmatization of adolescent age sexual behaviors, labelling it as
pedophilia offence, is not an
eternal moral absolute but a relatively recent development influenced by
changing cultural and ideological norms.
If one aims to logically argue that pedophilia
is morally reprehensible and causes irreparable societal harm,
thereby justifying its criminalization as a heinous offense, then, consistency
demands that this logic also be applied to behaviours like adultery,
prostitution, homosexuality, incest, and masturbation. Historically,
these were all criminalized, almost in all societies until the mid-20th
century, purportedly because they were thought to lead to social decay that fails to protect the future generation same as the western child protection agencies
believe in the case of pedophilia today. This shows, the current
decriminalization or non-criminalization of these behaviours,
including consensual incest in some jurisdictions, starkly contrasts
with the ongoing criminalization of pedophilia. If societal harm is the
moral criterion for such legal judgments, this selective application of law
reveals a profound moral inconsistency. It suggests that contemporary sexual
morality and legal policies are not based on objective harm or
ethical principles but rather reflect arbitrary prejudices on shifting
cultural biases, casting doubt on the rationality and fairness of current legal
To emphasize the previous “moral inconsistency”
point further, applying it to the modern day family ethical concerns, of
protecting their mothers sisters wife
and children from the outside influence
of deviant predatory sexually pervert behaviours, including rape. However, today they accept that the decriminalization of adultery,
prostitution, homosexuality, masturbation or incest does not pose such threat to their mothers,
sisters, wives, or children, but views only pedophilia catastrophically
destroys the life of the sexually
innocent children in theirs as well others family. They first of all, needs to check
their own mental faculty, of reasoning and moral, logical consistency
first. This attitude demonstrates, their prejudiced emotional
response due overzealous moral panic indoctrination rather than a
reasoned ethical principle. True moral and legal coherence
requires either uniformly criminalizing all these behaviours. OR acknowledge
that societal perceptions and NOT the inherent harm, drives
the unique demonization of pedophilia in the modern age. This
realization compels a reassessment of the ideological basis
underpinning contemporary sexual offense laws.
on this historical prevalence of early-age sexual relations, once
celebrated as vital to societal well-being, remains in stark contrasts with its vilification as
“pedophilia” under todays Western frameworks. Far from being inherently
harmful, these unions, rooted in child marriages, were endorsed
across cultures for hundreds of thousands of years as a natural
progression—girls primed at puberty to bear children, ensuring familial
stability and societal continuity. Parents in ancient times saw this as
safeguarding their daughters’ moral integrity, channeling sexual
attraction into sanctioned bonds that bolstered community cohesion.
Yet, today’s selective outrage deems only pedophilia a catastrophic
threat to their children below 18 age,” while decriminalized acts like
adultery or homosexuality escape similar scrutiny. This inconsistency
exposes a cultural bias, not a reasoned ethic, as the true foundation of
current laws. To cling to this double standard—excusing some behaviors yet
demonizing prepubescent age sexual
relations—is to embrace hypocrisy over logic. A coherent
reassessment of sexual offense laws must confront this truth: societal
perception, not objective harm, drives the stigmatization, demanding a
rethink of their ideological roots.
The part below of this paper under revision
and incest as they are known today, were never been tabooed practices in the hundreds
and thousands year of human evolutionary history. In fact, they both are mostly
interconnected and have been encouraged and promoted by the people in all societies
in general, until recently. Parents from the ancient times, arranged the early
practice of sex known as “marriages” of their kids in their family so they become
ready to bear children as soon as they reached puberty, menstruation therefore ready
for intercourse. Early age sex was most important for the growth and survival every
human family clan and the tribe.
relation within the bloodline, brothers and sisters’ close cousins known as marriages
were very common in societies mostly consisting of joint-or extended families. It was
important for building stronger family ties in-between, to remain together and keep all their
family ties within resources or wealth in the hands of head of the family. It was very
necessary in their times in their situation quite important in their large family
set-up for security and defense from the outsiders. I
will go into this core subject in some more details at the end of this paper. However,
at present the main question is; when did these common human sexual relations,
behaviours, practices become the most hateful taboos, branded as pedophilia in
our modern societies?
answer the above question, we need to understand the deep-rooted connection
between taboos and authoritarianism, the way human societies governed and controlled by the ruling class authorities. The establishment wants
their subjects basically obey to their rules and remain subservient to them. Trust
in their holly virtues, unconditionally believe in their words as absolute truth without
any questions. These authoritarian component very much present in the present-day
sexual taboos of incest and pedophilia. Anyone denying the validity of this
authority have to face its serious consequences with severe punishment and
banishments. The best way to make people to stop questioning their authority is
to integrate their authority with religion, nationalism or sectarianism as a
basically has all the basic ingredients of unquestionable authority generally
known as God. All should worship of his virtues beyond any doubt as
the provider of truth and justice. Therefore, it becomes the best way for the authorities
or rulers, kings to make their subjects to believe them as the representatives
of God to govern their subjects. It was done on the basis of certain “Articles
of Faith” turning it into laws, containing legal, ethical, moral codes guidelines
for the people to follow it in their day-to-day life, most importantly their
sexual behaviours. One can see it in the
ancient religious text most important of them are; THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, QURAN
also in VEDA’s. These religious texts wildly followed today by the masses stand
as the testimony of the general way of human life, their sexual behaviours not
so long ago in the human history, most of them are very much prevalent and
practiced today.
The deadliest sins and offence against the authority in the past was the denial of the existence of God the supreme authority, eternal truth mandated by his representatives. Any act against it was considered as the highest a sacrilege or blasphemy a taboo. No one is allowed to question its truthfulness. It will be a treachery against God treason against the nation. Homosexuality or sexual relation between the same sex people was probably the biggest sexual taboo most hated of that time, as it was considered as most abnormal a heinous sexual crime perpetrated against the nature. Other than the above two, the common “Code of Conduct” offence like telling Lies, cheating, Stealing Others Property Not to Kill or Murder. Adultery and rape; the former is consensual sexual relations outside marriage by the women, the latter is a violent sexual behaviour by men on women. Both were considered as most dangerous sexual offences. All of which somehow considered as lying cheating stealing or destroying others property under the law. However, the most important thing to mention in here is; sex between young and old age persons known as child marriages a century ago by the reformist and branded as pedophilia by the modern age scholars was never been a crime until less than a century ago, similarly, sex between blood relatives close cousins’ brother and sister commonly known as incest at present were commonly practiced in all families and overall society.
our modern age, marriage between a man and a woman remained the single most
important criteria to decide whether the sexual relation between the man and the woman is right or wrong. The
word consensual sex never existed. Marriage relations between males and females
and the families became the only accepted form or permission for having sexual relation.
The main purpose of marriage apart from the sexual part is to sire children and
to carry forward the offspring's of the man she married to and not by any
outsider males, only marriage guaranteed all this. However, women in general being
physically weaker by nature, therefore there are chances of some outsider male
may entice or overpower the women to mate with her making her pregnant and have
his own offspring without nobody else knowing it. To prevent it, her father
became her main guardian, protector when she young, her brothers shared the honors with the father when she became sexually mature then handed the responsibility to her
husband after marriage. Her sons took the responsibility to look after her, at
her old age. In other words she always remained somewhat as the male property.
mainly in the second half of the 20th century under women’s liberation,
freedom, women’s right movement feminism became mainstream. Women started
having their own rights to decide on their sexual matters. Sexual Consent of
Women for men to have sex with her, took the central stage and became most
important criteria of deciding whether the sexual relation was right or wrong
under the law. It completely uprooted the old sexual traditions, code
of conduct rules of sexual relations to be kept only inside marriage system.
Women preserved all the right to choose
whatever kind of sex they want to have. Any sex without her permission became
rape with stringent punishment. Divorce laws made more favorable to women.
Sexual relations outside marriage for women (adultery) no more criminalized.
the question is when did the sexual reforms liberation in human society started
to eliminate the old sexual taboos and
laws on adultery and homosexuality. It mostly began around the turn of 20th
century, mostly after the first and second world wars. The human societies
started becoming more and more liberal, progressive and science oriented. Popular
people’s democratic movement started everywhere for democratic reforms, human
rights, women’s right. It was the golden time of great social thinkers and
philosophers like Karl Marx famous psychologist and psychoanalyst like Sigmond
Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Kensey, William Masters and
more. The most pervasive but hated human sexual
behaviour of adultery, became more acceptable and permissible. Clinical experimental
science, statistical evidences became the main criteria for deciding whether
any human sexual behaviours right or wrong. The sexual stigma and taboo on
homosexuality started slowly wanning out.
As the “sexual relation between consenting adults” became
most important to decide the right and wrongs of human sexual behaviours. It gave
a great opportunity with legal standing point for the gay movement and soon
homosexuality decriminalized.
the question is; when did the sexual love relations between the young women and
men in the past turned into a most despised
criminal offence pedophilia and incest? It happened because of the elevation of
women’s sexual consent as primary for men to have sex concept started encountering
some unforeseen hurdles. If women consent to sex, replace the old sanction of
marriage, does the women before the age of her marriage, can have the right for
sexual relation. The modern liberal society of that time was not that liberal to
accept it.
It was during the second half, when the Baby Boomers who became the authorities of that time, decided that the women before their marriage are not yet ready to have any sexual relations because they are children, too small to have sexual intercourse. The puritan sex moral pundits, politicians, statesmen many of them were believers in the modesty, honors, virtues of virgin women took full advantage of the connection of the word marriage with children and raised the age of marriage for women to 18 or more and conspicuously abandoned the common understanding that puberty as the age of marriage for girls. Of course, I agree there is a well-meaning genuine concern which is well connected to the young mothers’ safety or risk to her life who is getting pregnant for the first time at the young age. Quite apart, the world population was rapidly at the increase and there was serious warnings of human population explosion and its control. However, one must remember now the rapid declining of population specially in the western countries so they want more babies to be born to prevent it.
Later on, the Baby Boomers politicians and scholars turned their anti-pedophilia moral stand as an Article of Faith, declaring; “children are incapable of giving their sexual consent”. Anyone trying to look into its validity became an apostate, speaking against it committing blasphemy and Sacrilege i.e., a child molester, rapist, a monster predator branded as peadophile. They simply achieve it by totally abandoning and banning any comprehensive human historical study of the past and the vast human psychological study of their previous generation falsifying the entire scientific field in the name of modern social or behavioural sciences. They turned pedophilia into a religion the absolute, undeniable truth, unquestionable faith with full of self-contradictions.
the thousands of years of past human
history until the middle of 20th
century people considered rape, adultery and homosexually as the three major sexual
crimes in human societies. The old printing press media invented during the middle
part of second millennium was its main proponents. The publishing house editors
considered alerting their readers the general public about the ongoing sexual
crimes around them is their public duty for the public safety and became its main
propagandist. Readers in general were always interested and attracted to the
salacious stories secrets of other people sexual life, (voyeurism)
and its sexual portrayal, imagination which was considered as taboos. It latter became the bread and butter of the popular
media publishing business houses, the sexual crime stories considered perhaps always
been sold like hot cakes when there was not much sexual outlet available for
the general public, which is somewhat same as today.
Decriminalizing adultery and homosexuality was a major blow to their lucrative voyeuristic sex crime reporting business. Rape was the only remaining thing that they can put their hands on for reporting. The Television media which became popular since the second half of 20th century now could show the visual pictures attracted thousands of viewers. The old puritan sexual guards, moral police, the vigilante reporters needed to reinvent new voyeuristic sex taboo subjects to carry on their business. At this juncture criminalization of the female sexual relation below the age of 18 as child rape provided them with the great new opportunity they are looking for. They started exaggerating the subject of child sex as an heinous crime pedophilia. Meanwhile the feminist legislator lobby also added their own new idea that any adult women in certain situation are not able to give their sexual consent therefore it is rape and full responsibility prove the women consented to it, fallen on the man. They exaggerated the word rape to blow out of its proportion whenever it is possible or in whatever ways. There was a sudden increase of reporting of sexual assault, molestations, child rape in the mainstream media. Building up this new kind of rape narratives or dogma in peoples mind with the media trials, making it popular and real with their new rape narrative became their main priority or preoccupation to generate very good source of income.
Above all, the voyeuristic mainstream media found
a brand new Scapegoat, Red herring to continue their fighting against the so
called immoral, deviant sexual behaviours crimes, in the society. The sex vigilantes’
moral police who were formerly haters of adultery and homosexuality now joined
the anti-pedophilia brigade by entirely changing their goal post. One can see the
haters of pedophiles today having same kind of hypocrite sexual morals or mind-set that in the olden days prosecuted mainly women accused the committing
adultery and the men who were accused as Sodomist criminals or homosexuals.
the emergence of the modern liberal progressive thinking age which mostly began
mostly around the Albert Einstein relativity and quantum Mechanic era, it was strongly believed that the empirical and critical
science evidence as most important component
to make any kind of judgements that included the field of human law and justice.
They insisted on empirical research with concrete evidences
to prove it legal or not legal. Therefore the anti pedophilia establishment authorities
needed to show that the pedophilia and incest are unnatural abnormal deviant,
human behaviours which cause grave physical harm and mental damages which
entirely destroyed the life of people below the age of 18 defined as child by anyone
above 18 years defined as adults irrespective the sex consensual or not. The newly
formed democratic, legal justice departments needed to prove these concept as scientifically valid.
they started recruiting the newly emerging social and behavioural academic
scholars of the Baby Boomers generation and needed them to prove this newly
emerging ideological their view points on human sexual relation, behaviours and
practices. They need to do it under guidance of modern scientific code of conduct. not on some flimsy subjective moral grounds. There was thousand even million dollars of
research grants offerings in this new discipline for the scholars who prove the establishments
point of view is correct based on
scientific research.
let us find out where and how do any open-minded social science research
scholar will start theirs critical scientific enquiry on the subject of
pedophilia and incest to prove that they are really harmful which results in most negative and destructive consequences on the
human societies from the past to the present age. The starting point obviously will
be from the humans past history at least from the first century if not early. Any
intelligent open-minded person who starts studying the human sexual cultural relation,
behaviours and traditional practices in the past history will immediately recognize
that in a general family units, girls and boys commonly married early in their
life. Pubetry was the deciding factor of marriage, for girls at around 10 to 12 years and the boys perhaps some 3 to
5 years older. Also marriages conducted most frequently within close family relatives
which are called incest pedophilia in today’s modern societies . All those past
historical evidences basically proved to the contrary to what they wanted to
prove on the subject.
Now to justify their scientifically baseless claims they are need to refer back to their own older generation sociologist psychologist,
and psychoanalyst at least to find some justification for thier peadophilia stand by referring to to thier older generation of sociologist, psychologist to search out what they have to say about this pedophilia sexual behavioral matter. The
most famous scholars among the old are Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Kinsey
and many more. All their research study papers in general did not indicate in
any clear way that sex between children and adults were uncommon unnatural, abnormal
or deviant pervert sexual behaviours that had devastating effects on the human
society. They found no such records facts evidences perhaps it suggested
quite the opposite.
Therefore, the research scholars also had to completely abandon the human study done by their
older (senior) generation psychoanalyst, psychologist, their research findings
on this subject matter of pedophilia subject. This made them to totally depend on
the research mainly conducted by their own colleagues the contemporary social
and behavioural scientist of Baby Boomers generation who also getting the
lucrative grants to do the same establishments, who wanted only the results that
they wanted to see. In such prejudiced research grant situation, pedophilia research study started booming
from latter half of the 20th century which had not much scientific
foundations but with loads of preconceived prejudiced notions build on
fraudulent and biased scientific grounds. Look at the Wikipedia. Show me a pedophilia
research paper and I will show is unscientific fraudulent part in it paragraph
by paragraph.
us conduct an independent, impartial human historical study on the all-round
human sexual behaviours from their past to the present. Apart from the extreme
sexual pleasure satisfaction experience during the sexual intercourse in
general, the major outcome was that the women getting pregnant, which is as
true today as it was in the past. There are two main consequential aspects of women getting pregnant; positive and negative; desirable and the undesirable pregnancies. Most
of the pregnancies which happened inside the marital boundary, were desirable
pregnancies and was most essential for the growth and survival of the family
and the tribe. The undesirable pregnancies happened very few times because it was a
result of sex outside the marital boundary either due to the adultery or as the
consequence of rape. To prevent it, there were strict religious and legal laws and
traditions which placed very strict measures to deter it. like adultery and
rape laws. By the way, different protocols applied for prostitution.
on our common sense logic and the general knowledge gain from the study on human
history and of course reading the research conducted by the historians on this
subject, clearly shows that our forefather, specially all our foremothers were very
much aware of the risks involved in the first time intercourse and the great dangers of the first
time pregnancies. Almost all our foremothers perhaps underwent its life experiences. The pain felt while rupturing the virgin girls
hymen in the first time intercourse was real but in fact it was rather a
positive sign of virginity, let me skip its later sexual pleasure factors. What
is most important to mention here is; I definitely believe specially our
foremothers who also became midwifes later in life, have clearly seen it
from their own eyes and fully aware of the risk to the young mother’s life during
their childbirth especially when it is for the first time. Hower, the society
accepted it as an unavoidable risk that should be dealt with common sense
without any exaggeration. Another risk factor of sex of that time perhaps the
contacting STD’s. Sex only inside the marital boundary helped to prevent it
from spreading.
If anyone ever get an opportunity to interview
our foremothers who have already given birth to two three children when they
were 18 years of age, that if they ever felt their life have been destroyed due
to their marriage at the age of 12 or 13?
All of them most probably protest, saying so far they had a blissful married
life. They may also add it would have devastated their life if they were made
to wait up to 18 years to get married .
ancestors living at the time when the human life span was short generally perhaps
around 50 years. They were probably well known about the real risks
involved in having any sexual intercourse. There were no condoms available which
is almost free today to prevent the unwanted pregnancies or STD’. No birth
control pills or tablets to terminate early pregnancy. No caesarean deliveries,
eliminated the risk to mothers’ life during the child birth. No
pregnancy or fraternity tests. Despite facing all these real life risks our
forefather and foremothers accepted it as the necessary factors for the growth
of human race. The science and technology today have eliminated almost all those
risk for the people to enjoy their sexuality freely without any such dangers. Therefore it is safe to say that our
grandmothers a few generation back have faced the real risk and were not only
full aware of the vulnerability and risk involved in their sexual practices
that our today’s generation can never face in their life time.
People today, who
claim themselves as the champions for the child’s right , protectors and
saviors of children from violence, abuse, cruelty by the society, knowingly or
unknowingly divert and derail the main issue of real child abuse which are rampant
everywhere in the world today.
We all know that millions
of young children in the world today subjected to extreme cruelty, (I believe
poverty in children is actually the cruelty by the larger society on children, because
they are not responsible like their parents whom the larger society blames as responsible
for their own poverty). When we claim children are innocent we should name this
first. Abandonment, Physical violence humiliation, neglect apart from starvation, malnutrition and depravations of their basic rights like education, health due to abject
poverty all of which physically harms and mentally damages the innocent
children, destroys entire future life. However, it is seldom getting the
attention of the main stream media. The so-called child right protector
saviors seem not much bothered about it.
Most importantly there are not much studies by the social behavioral life sciences on
this issue compared to pedophilia, obviously because there is no child sex element
involved in it.
criminalization of pedophilia today entirely stands completely on the assertion
that; ‘children are incapable of making or giving their “informed” sexual
consent.” Now, it is most important to make a critical analytic study of this “informed
consent” claim on scientific basis. It is most important to determine this
today because it can save or destroy hundreds of thousands of human life in deciding
if they are sexually deviant criminal or normal innocent people. The main
question to ask now is are the children capable of giving informed consent on
thousand of things that comes in their life? Mainly on the question of food
they eat, cloths they wear, education they undergo sports they participate, the
religion they follow.
of Children happens everywhere in every aspect of their young life and
considered very important if not necessary. Let me come to a specific aspect of
food, the vegetarian and non-vegetarianism. The latter is considered killing
and eating the animal flesh as a repulsive cultural practice by the vegetarian
parents therefore they groom their children according to their own vegetarian eating
beliefs, which perhaps some non-vegetarian parents vehemently disagree on the
scientific basis. Another more specific question in regard to children food is
that; are the children capable of making informed consent on the food that is pushed
into them by the giant food advertisement industry, okayed by their parents that
can cause major diseases like obesity, diabetics and many more that can destroy
their entire future life? Another different question is; what about making
children to follow a particular religion or certain ideologies? Some believe it
could mentally damage the child’s entire future life.
Let me go further and take a highly sensitive subject
having sexual element in it. The Nudist Families. It is prevalent today in many
progressive European and Western countries. In the nude families the parents or the
guardians raise their children without being ashamed of their naked body, not
to feel shameful or guilty about any part of their body especially genitals but
to appreciate it. Another very sensitive child grooming happens
when the parents or people having authority over the child, their teachers,
even the States encouraging the children to decide themselves to have their own
gender preference male, female or binary etc. The most notable among them is
the US drag queens shows, participated and specially meant for children. I
don’t want to go any further into this important subject the reasons you
obviously know.
I do believe that the fear and hatred against pedophilia and incest is real.
The extremely fear in the peoples mind that if you ever decriminalize these two
deviant human sexual behaviours, then parents around the world start having sexual
relations with their own young children. Sexually assaulting molesting and violently
raping them causing grave physical harm mental damage that would destroy their
entire future life.
was exactly the same fear and hatred that people felt against blasphemy and desecration
of religion. The strong belief in the existence of God is the main thing that
prevented people from committing various crimes. If the authorities remove
these articles of faith and its code of conduct in the life of people they will
immediately become evil and go on the rampage. Lying, stealing, destroying
properties, committing sexually assault and rape, maiming and killing other people. People at the same time perhaps thought the same wild things about adultery and homosexuality, decimalizing it will probably
make the whole world turn adulterous and gays. However all these fears are
unfounded in its reality today.
Now it is time to go back into the starting paragraphs of this paper, the “Basic Premises”, into the sentence which states;” Pedophilia and incest or inbreeding were basically the most essential elements for the survival of human race throughout their history”. (I promised to come back to this subject point in the early part of this paper)
us begin enquiry on this subject of pedophilia and Incest, from the book of Genesis
1. The Bible story of Adam and Eve. The basic
question is, how did they able to populated the earth after Cain and Abel, if there was no incest from the beginning? Thereafter
how did Noah’s family repopulate the earth after the great flood if there was
no incest? All the three most powerful major religion in the world today
believe in those religious text. Now, let me abruptly end the Bible story, and
start with the real science records and evidences.
the History of Evolution of the Species, it shows that most
animals are born territorial which was compelled on them by nature. They can’t
land wherever they wish. There is this boundary and its limit. It is most
important for their survival with its limited resources. They needed to guard all
the available resources for themselves, food water,
shelter and don’t forget about their females to mate inside the territory. Any
outsiders coming into their territory will be immediately driven out or get
killed and same happed to them if they go outside and stepped inside the others
animal family, clan, or the tribe usually started with a male and
female and their offspring's whom they raised. However, when their
kids showed the sign of sexual maturity, the all-possessive dominant males most
probably their fathers immediately ousted their sons out of his territory and
most likely mated with his own daughters who have become sexually mature. However, the sons who have been driven out of
the territory in which they were born, called as
nomadic males, nevertheless remained at the periphery or of the territory they
were born or stayed close to the borders of their fathers’ land property most
of the times, for some most important reasons given below.
1. If the nomadic males wandered too far away from their territory and entered into other clans or tribes’ territory in search of food and other necessities like females to mate, they will be facing a big risk of putting themselves to great dangers that the other clan members specially the males will catch them maim them and many times kill them if they don’t turn back. The surrounding clans all do the same thing. Therefore, it would be much safer for the nomadic males to stay near or close to the territory in which they were born.
next big advantage for the nomadic males for staying near their father’s
territory in which they were born is that, they are quite familiar of the geography
of the territory as they were born, raised and reached their adulthood. It’s a
great advantage to have the extensive knowledge of that place, its geography, available food resources and of its individual members
and their habits for their own survival. After some years of nomadic life,
building their physical strength and skills and calculating the risk
assessment factors on balances mentioned
before, it is more probable that the sons remained near to the their fathers territory. Thereby, as the
time pass, they become ready and feel confident to conquer their own father’s
territory because their father, the dominant male, now getting older and weaker,
the timing is perfect. Perhaps the nomadic male also have an old grudge to
settle. For all these reasons it is more likely that the sons will dethrone their
own fathers. They will kill all the young cubs sired by their father and mate
with all the available mature females coming into season, mostly their own mothers’ sisters and the other blood
relatives. It becomes a cycle inbreeding
from the beginning to end.
males in the animal kingdom remain highly possessive especially when it comes
to their females for mating. The dominant male will not tolerate sharing his
females with his companions or brothers, unlike the food and territory that he
shares. Therefore, when it comes to mating most of the offspring have descended from a single male with same bloodline. So the
genes get more and more centered around with an individual dominant
male who is mating with his own close
family female members having strong blood ties.
there is one very important factor that can prevent the sexual attraction between close family members that
can reduce the inbreeding in the animal kingdom. It
may have played a most important role in the history of humans. When a male
continue to mate with the same female for years together, or lives with a close
proximity with them for longer times, both the males and females loses their sexual
interest with each other. On the other hand, sexual attraction gets much stronger
when they find a stranger of opposite that becomes a sexual novelty. It is the nature’s way to diversify the Gene pool. However, it all
depends upon the mating opportunities available. The dominant males cannot afford
to wait for the novel attractive females to appear. Because during which the
other males exploit his absent as an opportunity and mate with his female to
sire their own children and
become a looser in the future survival race of his dominant genes. After all it
is evolutionary mating game of the species, ‘Survival of The Fittest’, rules above all.
Human families tribes
in its past history basically follow somewhat the same sexual behaviour pattern
like close cousins in the animal kingdom and inherit the similar territorial
behaviours in finding
their food and other resources including
their mates or females. Here I will not go into its details because it is extremely a taboo subject. However, you don’t need a big
rocket science or years of academic research degree to find it out. Any open-minded, average intelligent rational person
with common knowledge of human history can see it. It reminds me a folklore tale “The Emperor's
New Clothes”. The moral behind the story
is; You don’t need some brilliant scholars, pundits to see the nakedness of a lie, falsified as truth, all
you need is an average insignificant individual keeping an open mind will be
able to see it.
This is the end of Part-I. In part-II, I would like to discuss about the contemporary research papers on the subject of pedophilia. I would like go into its details, paragraph by paragraphs, word and sentences to prove the fraudulent unscientific grounds on which they are built in. However, I have very limited resources, energy and time to do it. In this regard, I would like to have any contribution, assistance from anyone who are interested in this subject and think they would like to help me overall in this theoretical venture.
I neither justify nor make presumption on
pedophilia. I simply want to know its proof of concept based on my critical historical
study findings, to scrutinize its scientific validity based on true or
objective facts that could clear many of my questions on this subject matter. Moreover,
I feel it is my historical duty because it can destroy or save millions of
human lives in deciding whether they are the most dangerous sexual perverts,
predator or child rapist who should be incarcerated if not killed or some quite
normal innocent people.
I am ready to remove delete any part words or
sentence of this paper if anyone proves it is built on unscientific grounds which
offend the feelings of some peoples. Ask any question and I will answer it as
soon as it is possible for me.
I welcome anyone who likes to contribute into this theoretical paper specially to its second part. Write to me in the comment box. Any help in this appreciated.
Copyright © Valerian Texeira. Subject to revision, addition, omission and refinement.
All are free to make of use of this theoretical paper it except of commercial use which need written permission